Mission: Increase early detection of ovarian cancer by improving the standard of care.
Vision: Save women’s lives by detecting Ovarian Cancer in early stages.
Aim: Establish a specific protocol of testing via a patient symptom questionnaire to improve the current standard of care for early detection of ovarian cancer.
Aim: Educate women on the early warning signs of ovarian cancer and the available screening options.
1. To create and establish a research-supported simple patient questionnaire as a standardized screening tool for routine office visits for women in the at-risk age group. The questionnaire results will give providers an algorithm for further evaluation and testing during routine medical visits. This could include a pelvic exam, an ultrasound, and blood-work such as the CA-125 to be ordered.
2. To increase public awareness of the symptoms and risk factors for ovarian cancer, the necessity for screening and the available testing protocol for early detection.
3. In addition to high risk groups, to increase education among adolescents and young adults.
4. To establish a network of nationwide action groups.
5. To develop partnerships with major health systems, private medical providers, nonprofits, patient advocacy groups, government agencies and insurance companies.
Private foundations, 509a1, 509a2, and 509a3 public charities, and private operating foundations all fall under the 501c3 tax-exempt status. A 501c3 organization is presumed to be a private foundation until they prove they are public charities.
Non-Profit: “ASKCA125” EIN# 87-1018856 501(c)(3) Status is “active” DBA as Elizabeth's Wish has already proven it is a Public Charity -- and is designated as a 509a2 Public Charity.
Donors who give to a public charity can deduct up to 60% of their adjusted gross income (AGI) on their annual taxes.
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